Petromax Cast Iron Potato Cooker – Large

Availability: In Stock



Potatoes baked in the embers are a delightful addition to any adventure menu, offering a rustic and smoky flavour that pairs perfectly with juicy steaks. The cast iron potato cooker enhances this experience, allowing you to prepare potatoes and vegetables with a distinctive roasted taste that can’t be matched by other cooking methods.

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Product Description

Potatoes baked in the embers are a delightful addition to any adventure menu, offering a rustic and smoky flavour that pairs perfectly with juicy steaks. The cast iron potato cooker enhances this experience, allowing you to prepare potatoes and vegetables with a distinctive roasted taste that can’t be matched by other cooking methods.

Cast iron is ideally suited for preparing food over an open fire or on the grill, as it distributes the heat optimally. In addition, the round design of the potato cooker enhances the effect. Perfectly baked potatoes, sweet potato wedges au gratin or hearty vegetable variations such as stuffed peppers or aubergines absorb the typical roasted aroma when cooked in the embers.

The cast iron potato cooker stands out due to a clever mechanism: The specially designed tilt lock closes both halves of the mold tightly together as soon as you lift it with a lid lifter. This means you can safely remove your hot iron from the fire or move it. If you hook your lid lifter onto the lower end of the tilt latch, you can easily open the roasting lid and serve the steaming potatoes.

The rim running along the lid gives you full temperature control. Here you can place wood embers or briquettes and precisely determine the top heat during cooking. The cast iron potato cooker always stands firmly on the base, because the ridge running along the bottom creates a straight surface. As a result, the cooker stands securely in the fireplace and can also be used in the oven at home! At the same time, the extended bar runs all the way under the hinges, ensuring that the cooker won’t tip open.

Main Features:

  • Sustainable alternative for classic campfire potatoes – no aluminium foil needed!
  • Tight locking and safe lifting out of the embers thanks to the newly developed tilting bolt mechanism
  • Even cooking process due to optimal heat distribution thanks to round design
  • Controlled top heat for gratinating thanks to the special shelf for coals
  • Safe to stand in the fire, in the embers, on the grill or in the oven

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